The Journey - Day 23 - The Power Of Darkness

I still cannot believe what he said, is he really Master? But he is Agito. Just like me, Zeronos seems to feel the same way. It can be seen from his face and his fading green eyes.

"You? Master? How can it be? There must be something wrong!" Zeronos upset.

"Haha, I am the Master, and I'm giving this task to you. Don’t you remember that time you met with a figure robed and hooded black?  He gave you a challenge and mission. Haha" Master said.
"So, it was you!!!" Zeronos seemed annoyed.

When I heard their conversation, I could only conclude that Zeronos appeared to have been tricked by Agito, um, I mean Master. But why is he doing this?

"Haha, did I, who was admitted to be a Master and I am the Master. Hahahaha !!” Master laughed and then as doing square off.

"Because you're stupid and you fail in this mission. Before I kill Kabuto, I'll kill you!! Hiaaahhhhhhhhhh !!!!!" Master did unexpected things, he threw a kick with his strength toward Zeronos and landed right on his body.

I could only scream surprisingly, "Hey, what are you doing?!!"

Zeronos looks helpless and unconscious. It looks like he’s gone. "Agito, EMH, Master, what do you really want?" I asked, looking annoyed.

Then he simply replied, "I just want to finish you off and take Super Electro Power!! "

Story By : @mhaqrizqi
Translated By : @eva_gram

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