The Journey - Day 15 - Mission : Rescue

by 11:30:00 AM
The time just went by, my new friend and I are still strongly tied here. The place is filled with rocks. My back ached and seemed new friends feel it too.

"Pipppp .. Popppp .." he sounds like that all the time.

Confusion is something that I’m feel now, after this time it seems now I am in a different world.

"Pippp .. popppp .." I heard his voice again. I’m tired but until then I heard popping sounds vaguely.
"Pipppp ... okay .. Popp .. we .. pippp rfour .. .. .. there soon ... poppp". Then the vogue sound disappeared with my friend’s voice at the same time.

After a few hours later, noise of a thunderous explosion comes out from the distance. Shortly, someone appears with his sword and waive our tie.

"Who are you?" I asked.
"Hi, I'm Hans, and this is my friend, Rfour!" he replied.

Story By : @mhaqrizqi
Translated By : @eva_gram

The Journey - Day 14 - A New Friend

by 11:00:00 AM
"Hey, let me go! Where will you carry me?!” I asked.

There is no answer from the troops who took me. Now, a place full of rocks appears, and it seems this trip is already up.
They threw me there, and they hurried away without a word. My body is still unable to move because of this tie. Soon come a few forces that seem to carry a person on it.

"Shut up here sweet robot!" One of the soldiers said.

"Piiip ... Poopppp" the robot voice that is tied together with me.

"Hey, who are you?” I am starting to ask the robot." Piippp .. Popppp" the earlier robot’s voice comes up again.

"Why are you here? And where are we now?" I asked back. Still the same as before, he simply replied "Pippppp .. Poppppp."

Story By : @mhaqrizqi
Translated By : @eva_gram

The Journey - Day 13 - Arrested

by 5:09:00 PM
Shortly after closing my eyes, the sound of the old figure come back in my ear.

"This is not the place for those who alive, young people, go back to where you should be. Because you still have something to protect and fight for you right there!"

I think for a moment, what the old figure said was true, I want the power, but I’m still weak, I do not believe in my abilities. Well, from now on I should get up. I have to fight for what I should strive for. When my spirit is so strong, my eyes are opening slowly, but now I only see a vast expanse of sky.

"Now where else am I?" I asked, and then began feeling that this body can’t move.

"Why can’t I move? Arghhhh".

I just realized that my body is bounded vigorously and now it looks like I'm being taken on the road to a place by a group of people, who knows what it is. I could hear a whispering conversation between them.

"Come on Blue, hurry up, we have to hurry up!!" the first man speak, and then his friend replied.
"It's troublesome to bring this man. If this is not command from the Master; I do not want to do this job, huh."

I am wondering in my heart who they are and it seems familiar on someone is talking about.
"Master ...?"

Story By : @mhaqrizqi
Translated By : @eva_gram
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